The winning bids in the latest Japanese solar auction are higher than the previous 2 rounds. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)
OCCTO has announced the winning projects of its 21st solar energy auction
Against 107 MW on offer, it has declared winners for a combined 33.67 MW
Winning bids for this round for over 250 kW projects went up compared to the previous round
Japan has completed another of its utility-scale solar energy auction rounds with the Green Investment Promotion Organization (OCCTO) awarding 33.67 MW capacity against 107 MW on offer under the 21st solar energy auction. This is its 2nd solar energy auction in FY 2024.
Under this round, feed-in-premium (FIP) is available for solar power generation facilities with an output of 250 kW or more. The organization selected 22 projects out of 27 eligible entries.
While the bids were capped at JPY 9.13 ($0.064)/kWh, it received a weighted average winning bid of JPY 8.08 ($0.056)/kWh. The lowest and the highest winning tariffs ranged between JPY 5.0 ($0.035)/kWh and JPY 9.13/kWh, according to the list of selected projects released.
Japan organizes these solar auctions as part of the country’s efforts to establish a resilient and sustainable electricity supply system.
The 3rd solar auction for FY 2024 and Japan’s 22nd will offer 93 MW volume since the bid volume for the 21st auction was lower than 93 MW.
OCCTO awarded 93 MW solar capacity under the country’s 20th solar auction as against 121.315 MW on offer (see Japan Concludes 20th Solar PV Energy Auction, Allocating 93 MW).